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Oil Refining

Oil Refining

The main aim of edible oil refining is to make the oil suitable for human consumption. This involves making the oil flavorless, odorless, change in color, change in the crystal habit, rearrangement of their molecular structure and to make the extracted or mechanically pressed oil suitable as per our requirements.  

Another reason for the vegetable oil refining is to obtain triglycerides with high yield and purity, and to produce value added co-products from processing stages like Degumming, Neutralization, Bleaching, Dewaxing/Winterization and Deodorization. 

Crude vegetable oil and fats obtained after rendering, crushing or solvent extraction contain variable amounts of unwanted components such as free fatty acids (FFA), mono and di-glycerides, phosphatides (gums), sterols, tocopherols, hydrocarbons, pigments, vitamins, glucosides, glycolipids, protein fragments, traces of pesticides and trace metals. Oil refining process removes these unwanted constituents without damaging glycerides and with minimum loss of desired constituents, which in turn improves flavor, odor, color and stability.

DVC Process Technologists is one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of Edible Oil Refinery and provides complete service including design, installation, commissioning and automation of vegetable oil refining plant for different crude vegetable oils.

We have over 220+ Edible Oil Refinery installations worldwide.

There are four principal refining process steps


One of the key steps in the refining process is the elimination of


In addition to color pigments, Bleaching also removes residual phosphatides


Deodorization is the final stage of Oil refining. It removes odoriferous matter


Dewaxing or Winterization is a process to remove solids